Conferences and Congresses in Hamburg
The best way to your perfect conferences
An important product presentation or the introduction of a new long-term strategy are pending? The occasions for professional conferences or a congress with customers and employees are as diverse as our programs. As an event agency HEP supports you in the organization of your event so that you can fully concentrate on the contents. Moreover, we also offer appealing framework programs, hotel and shuttles services as well as professional support with your trade fair appearance.
Congress Service (DMC)
In the metropolis Hamburg there is always something going on. Fairs, congresses, events, the list is endless. Naturally, you and your company are represented here as well. To allow you to fully focus on your business – presenting new products, networking and winning new clients – we are at your side to help you with everything around your fair appearance from organization to implementation.
Our services include your personal fair organization, transfers, shuttles and hotel reservations. Do you need hostesses or good restaurant recommendations for your evening event? We help you with all of this.