World Cup 2014 Public viewing
The year 2014 – the World Cup is back and Germany is back in football fever. The Football World Cup in Brazil starts this year just in time for the warm season – almost 10,000 km as the crow flies from Hamburg. In order to still be very close, more and more German football enthusiasts make the pilgrimage to the Public Viewing and watch the games together with many other fans.
But public viewing can be much more than a football match on the big screen. Experience with your colleagues, friends and families a big, individual summer party all around the World Cup. Cold drinks, a buffet suitable for football and plenty of good humour ensure a good mood even before the kickoff. Then experience the Deutschlandspiel exclusively for your group on a big screen. Rejoice together for our team and let stadium flair come up. After the match, let the evening end comfortably and celebrate – hopefully – the victory of the German footballers!