Coffee tasting in Hamburg
Coffee tasting at the historic coffee exchange in Speicherstadt
We, the HEP-Hanseatische Event Partners, had a coffee tasting on Tuesday 24. 02. 2015 at the historic Kaffeebörse in Hamburg. We were able to inspire our guests with different types of rococoffees and roasted coffees.
First there was a guided tour through the museum of the coffee exchange. Afterwards, customers were able to see for themselves how different coffee can be with three different types of coffee. Firstly a Peruvian Tunki, secondly a Kenyan and thirdly an Indian Monsoon were tasted live by the guests.
You are looking for the special kick to your coffee break or as an event to loosen up your conference. If you have any questions about this topic, do not hesitate to ask us or send us an inquiry on our home page.